Loris Life

Exploring the hidden world of lorises in the wild

The world of lorises unfolds as a captivating enigma graced with fragile beauty. These small, nocturnal primates inhabit the shadowy realms of Asia, where their presence illuminates the mysteries of the night. Among the global population of lorises, 11 distinct species have been identified, each contributing its own unique charm to this enchanting family.

India, in particular, serves as a cherished habitat for two remarkable species: the Grey Slender Loris (Loris lydekkerianus), distinguished by its slender form and delicate features, and the Bengal Slow Loris (Nycticebus bengalensis), a creature of unparalleled grace and unhurried elegance. Within the vast tapestry of Asian biodiversity, these lorises stand as jewels of the night.

What sets Lorises apart?

Lorises are distinctive creatures, standing out as India’s only nocturnal primates and holding the title of the country’s smallest primate species. Their remarkable night vision is facilitated by their large eyes, enabling them to navigate tree canopies with exceptional agility. They move deliberately and unhurriedly, thanks to their strong, dexterous gripping hands. In moonlit canopies, these arboreal animals rely on stealth and agility to secure their insect-based diets.

Yet, despite their remarkable characteristics, we remain in the dark about much of their behaviour. The elusive, nocturnal, and arboreal nature of lorises makes them challenging subjects for study and comprehension. With limited research conducted so far, it is imperative that we deepen our understanding of loris behaviour to better address their conservation needs.

Grey Slender Loris is on the move. Can you spot it?

Species Spotlight – The Grey Slender Loris

Our current research is focused on the Grey Slender Loris. We are dedicated to unravel the mysteries of its elusive behaviour, methodically recording its natural history, and exploring its habitat preferences. Additionally, we are studying the challenges it faces and assessing its capacity to adapt in the face of human impact. These often-overlooked animals and habitats are essential for a healthy environment.

Our team researching Loris presence close to human settlements.
What an ideal Loris habitat looks like.

Project Location

Vanasa Conservation Foundation is dedicated to working on lorises in India. Our current project is running in the beautiful state of Goa. As our work expands, we aim to extend our conservation efforts across the entire country.

If you have lorises in your area and want us to come take a look to strike up a research or conservation project, we’d love to hear from you! Reach out to us at info@vanasa.org, and let’s work together to protect these delightful creatures.

How can you contribute?

If you would like to support the survival of Lorises, kindly help us with your generous donations. Even the smallest of charity can make a difference!